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Safe Travel Tips 
As you are no doubt aware from news reports, a war in the Middle East is looming on the horizon. Hostilities in that region could trigger terrorist activities anywhere in the world. In order to provide you with information you can use to help secure your safety and enable us to serve you better in the event of a significant interruption in your travel plans, American Express offers you the following Tips for Travelers.
  • Carry a cell phone or other wireless communication device (e.g. a blackberry) at all times while traveling. If you haven't done so already, pre-program our travel reservations toll-free telephone number into your telephone. (You can find these numbers on your AirWeb itinerary.)
  • Make certain you record and carry with you at all times a hard copy of the company's toll-free travel reservations center number, as well as our Emergency Travel Services toll-free number. (You can find these numbers on your AirWeb itinerary.)
  • If you change your plans at the last minute (e.g. at the airport and directly with the airline) you must still notify American Express so that we can be up to date on your current travel plans. If you do not and an incident occurs that could impact your new plans, or would have impacted your previous plans, it will be more difficult for American Express to track you and assist you.
  • Many traveling employees book their trips through third-party Internet sites. Trips booked through these channels will not be accessible to a travel counselor in the event of an emergency. This would impair the travel department's ability to track you or book you on another flight. It is imperative during these uncertain times that you do not book outside our designated travel agency.
  • Call your airline's toll-free customer service number, or visit their website, prior to leaving for the airport for up-to-date departure information on your flight.
  • If you are traveling overseas, know the location, direction, and phone number of the nearest U.S. embassy or consulate, available via the Internet at Also, you can check current travel warnings by accessing the U.S Department of State at
  • Carry backup documents. Make a photocopy of your passport photo page and any required visa documents. Keep the originals in a safe place and keep the photocopies with you.
  • Plan for extra time in airports. Increased airport security checkpoints may cause delays.